
Create or Edit Your Page

Page history last edited by Reference Desk 1 year, 5 months ago


Using the password:    bookclub


Create an account by clicking on the right hand column -- TO JOIN THIS WORKSPACE, CREATE AN ACCOUNT --


You will receive an email with a link to click to begin working on your page.  This may go to your junk mail box. Be sure to check there for the link.





1. If you are just beginning and need to create a page for your books, click on Create a Page in the upper right of the screen: (if you already have a page and need to edit – go to step #10)


2. Name your page for your library:


3. Click on the EDIT tab, and add your content to the page.




4. Click SAVE at the bottom:









5. To add your library’s list to the front page – click on PAGES AND FILES:


6. Click on FRONT PAGE:




7. Then click on the EDIT tab:



8. Add your library in the list alphabetically and change the font – to HEADING 2


9. To add a link from the front page to your page – highlight your library name, click on ADD LINK and select your page TEST from the list on the left –


And then click SAVE again at the bottom of the page.


10. To edit your already existing page – when you log in – click the following – PAGES AND FILES, EDIT and then select your link.


11. Click on your page to open it for editing – and make sure you are once again – using the EDIT tab:


Make all the changes you need to make – and click SAVE.



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